As more talk about the potential return of a Mahathir-led government, this will go well for all who wish for a return of the elected government that came into fruition on 9 May 2018. But before that happens, we have to be aware of the dangers that another Mahathir-led government would mean for everyday Malaysians – more worryingly another round of crony capitalism for the elite few”.


This of course is not new. Mahathirs first tenure as Prime Minister was characterised by bumiputera capitalism” - the brutal genesis which culminated into the whole monster that was called 1MDB. Through himself, Daim Zainuddin and his protege Anwar Ibrahim, prior to Anwar’s downfall in September 1998 – massive swathes of public assets were privatized including multi-billion projects such as the North-South Highway, water and sewerage, the Bakun dam, Light Rail Transit System and the National Train Service (KTM).


Looking back, these wealth creation” only benefited the political elites that were tasked to oversee them and the corporate patrons that they used to create legitimacy - one of whom even tried to acquire PLUS Expressways last year, no doubt at the behest of his political masters. While it did modernize Malaysia, it also contributed to the social and structural inequality that we see today. The Gini index for Malaysia (which measures inequality with 1 being the highest and 0 being the lowest) reached it’s highest during the pinnacle of Mahathir’s first regime at 0.49, and only subsided substantially during Abdullah Badawi’s time onwards.


Are we ready to throw all the effort done at countering inequality away? When these bumi-capitalist companies inevitably failed, they were often bailed out. The only loser being the rakyat, who now have to deal with (and pay for a) myriad range of substandard and overpriced public infrastructure. In the short 22 months that was Pakatan Harapan, there were multiple signs of the rich getting richer.


A few months after the historic win, a letter of appointment that addressed Petron Fuel International Bhd as one of the fuel suppliers for government vehicles went viral on social media. One of Mahathirs son, Mirzan Mahathir, is a director of Philippine-based Petron Corporation, which owns Petron Malaysia.

Just four days after Mahathir was sworn in as Prime Minister, Opcom Cables, a company engaged in the manufacturing and sale of fiber optic cables and cable related products in Malaysia, was awarded a RM11.16 million contract by Telekom Malaysia. Mokhzani Mahathir was the chairman and CEO of this Opcom Cables at that time, while his brother, Mukhriz (who is also Opcoms co-founder), was the largest shareholder until he turned his shares over to his wife before entering politics. On August 29 2019, the shares of Opcom, rose 41.11% in a day - which timing was pretty suspect given that the government only recently approved a RM 21.6b National Fiberization and Connectivity Plan.


Mokhzani is also Malaysias 45th richest man according to Forbes 2020 50 Richest Net Worth list, with a declared net worth of over USD305 million. Some even estimated that the total assets of Mahathir’s children combined to touch more than USD15 billion! Comparatively, more than half of the adult population in Malaysia have less than USD10 thousand in total wealth in 2019. While we are considered as an upper middle income country, one has to wonder how can the children of a Prime Minister, who earns a capped salary anyways, can amass so much wealth in one generation alone?


Unfortunately the answer is obvious - and we are talking about a nonagenarian who constantly belittles the plight of the poor, insisting that they should work harder like his children. Especially the Malays have always been labelled as “malas” or lazy in simple English. Again with hindsight, could we blame anyone but ourselves at these recent turn of events?


Pakatan Harapan was disappointing, lets be clear – and no doubt had lost its bite in the days leading up to Langkah Sheraton. Where were the warriors such as Nurul Izzah and Rafizi Ramli, both of whom commanded the admiration of the general rakyat? Lets not forget it was Mahathirs own choices that burdened us with individuals such as Redzuan Yusof and Rina Harun.


After all it was opposition (now Mahathir ally) leader Lim Kit Siang who stated that, that it was during Mahathirs 22-year tenure as prime minister that Malaysia first began to rot”, thanks to corruption and rampant power abuse. He pointed out that it was Mahathir who had single-handedly destroyed the independence, impartiality and professionalism not only of the judiciary, but also of other important national institutions like the police, the Election Commission, the anti-corruption agency, and the civil service”.


Let that sink in. With a deliberately weak Cabinet to do his bidding, it is not surprising that institutional reforms promised could not materialize. Many of us were duped into thinking that things will change when Pakatan Harapan won the last general elections and thought that Mahathir is a changed man after all these years. So, if Pakatan actually gets back in government again, it must make sure that it is capable and willing to rein in the greater excesses of a Mahathir-led government, lest it finds itself in another political quagmire – one that the rakyat certainly are tired of.


But this is yet another story we’re all too familiar with. And now Mahathir is attacking his political opponents, specifically the Bersatu leaders who no longer support him by questioning their moral for working with “thieves” as allies. Please Tun….apa nama…please spare us this drama, the rakyat is already suffering from covid-19 and its economic impact. We don’t need another political crisis in our hands.


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